Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Social Contract in Malaysia

I think Tun doesn't understand how the people think today. People are not robot which obey certain rules without questioning it. We will change according to enviornment. A minority of Malays think that in order to compete in todays world, they should compete not just inside the country but also in global terms. Therefore, if they stuck to the social contract forever which is definitely good for them, then they will not achieve what is truly victory in todays economy.

No doubt, social contact has its own benefits if it is followed correctly. But unfortunately, the Malays have been using it as excuses, shield, or short cuts in order to gain benefits for themselves. So, there are certain Malays out there that think all this must stop or set a limit in order not to sway too off from the original purpose of the social contract. If this is not done, Malaysia would be ruin.

I personaly do not believe in right or wrong, thruth or lies. I believe in balances. Thats is what have been driving this planet for millions of years. Not that I don't believe in justice but what I see in the world today, justice has become a very vouge word.

Tun cannot control how the people think, nor can anyone else. If the Malays still use the sosical contrat to protect themselve, then sooner or later this country will be off balance. When that happens, one word "Chaos".

Thats all I have to say, thank you.

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